Metal Finishing Guide Book

2011-2012 Surface Finishing Guidebook

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*HQHUDO 0HWDO )LQLVKLQJ &RUURVLRQ; 5HVLVWDQW &RDWLQJV; /HDGLQJ =LQF 1LFNHO 7HFKQRORJ\ IRU DOO $SSOLFDWLRQV As leading supplier Atotech offers the full range of high performance zinc nickel processes: Zinni AC AF 210 unique ammonium-free acid zinc nickel ƒ approved for the brake caliper industry ƒ higher plating rates in barrel applications ƒ cost effective alternative to alkaline processes 5HÀ HFWDOOR\® ZNA best suited alkaline zinc nickel process for rack application ƒ DSSHDOLQJ EULJKW ¿ QLVK ƒ highest corrosion protection for complex shaped parts Zinni AL 450 perfect solution for mass production in barrel application ƒ good coverage of hardened steel parts ƒ H[FHOOHQW FXUUHQW HI¿ FLHQF\ IRU KLJK WKURXJKSXW Zinni AL 580 low alloy zinc nickel process (5 - 8% nickel incorporation) ƒ improved corrosion protection over zinc and zinc iron ƒ lower plating costs compared to high alloy zinc nickel deposits 5HFRWHFW® regeneration system for zinc nickel electrolytes ƒ reduced overall plating cost by keeping a high current HI¿ FLHQF\ ƒ consistent high plating quality ƒ extended lifetime of the electrolyte ƒ fully automatic system and easy to operate ƒ production proven system 0HPEUDQH $QRGH 7HFKQRORJ\ 5HÀ HFWDOOR\® ZNA XL – optimized rack process Zinni AL 450 XL – optimized barrel process for operation with membrane technology ƒ no anodic decomposition, cyanide-free process ƒ increased plating speed ƒ eXtended Lifetime 5HÀ HFWDOOR\® ZN-HD innovative process for bendable deposits ƒ advanced formulation to enable bending after plating ƒ no loss of corrosion resistance Atotech USA Inc. · 1750 Overview Drive · Rock Hill, SC 29730 · USA · Tel.: +1 803 817 3500 ·

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